A Large Steel Producer

Modjoul is working with the largest steel producer in the United States. This steel producer operates 23 scrap-based steel production mills and is North America’s single largest recycler of any material. The relationship with this manufacturer began in early 2018 and has since radiated throughout their facilities.

Key Insights

The manufacturer has equipped industrial athletes in various job roles with the Modjoul SmartBelt to better understand the lower lumbar risks associated with their daily tasks and have now collected thousands of hours of data. The industrial athletes in this organization include welders, line operators, and shipping/receiving employees that are lifting heavy equipment, handling dangerous materials, and carefully navigating their work space.

Employees took special interest in their daily data from the mobile app and further wanted to reduce their risk of lower lumber injury. While looking at the timing of one employee’s significant increase in risky bends, the employee was able to determine the exact process that needed improvement.

Analyze and improve

Due to a poor workstation design, the safety manager and affected employee used the information in the Modjoul dashboard to redesign the work station. They ordered two new lift tables and redesigned the work.

As a result the manufacturer has seen significant improvement through 2018 and now into 2019.



On average, the total number of bends per hour dropped nearly 40% from June 2018 to December 2018.



The average twists per hour reduced by 21% between May and November 2019.



The safety manager of the organization attributes a 30% reduction in sprains and strains to the use of Modjoul SmartBelt.

Start A Pilot

Most of Modjoul’s clients start with a pilot to gather baseline data while integrating our technology and solutions into the workplace. To learn more, contact our team today!
